This blog is dedicated entirely top free my thoughts.To speaking out even if no one will hear me. To letting it all out.Letting it go. Its gonna be a mix of fiction and nonfiction . A mixture of my experiences coupled with the experiences of others to make it an ideal wholistic representation of what an average Ghanaian girl would experience in her daily life. Welcome!!!Welcome to my new beginning

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Preparing to Die

Its seems everyone is dying these days. I think its almost the same rate as ,babies being born and people getting married. Students,friends,family, colleagues everyone is going.
It seems no one likes to talk about this topic.Its as if when you talk about it, you'll be the next one to go.
Our human minds always trying to understand this phenomenon.We ask why? All the time. We can't understand.We won't understand how a 4 yrs old, 16, 30 year old be facebooking one minute and the next momet will just die. At least for those who are not youth, its normal. We tend to think that they've lived their enitire lives anyway. But the young ones.How?How?

I die to live.
Its funny how people come up with different theories, especially when young people are involved in accidents which lead to their deaths. Schools of thought emerge as to what happened, especially if they were returning from the club, or beach or some wierd "bad" place. At the university of Ghana, preachers the next morning will usually have a field day during their dawn services and probably win a lot of souls (We thank God for that).
But really does it make any difference where the person was coming from?Would it have been different if they were from church or mosque or someplace else.Would it? I don't think so.

I used to fear "Death" and cringe at the mention of her name. This has changed. These days, when I talk to my partner about death, my partner does not want to hear it." Don't talk like that", my partner says.
 But the truth is whether we like it or not we are all going to die. And accepting that fact of life for me has change my perspective on life. To live, I need to die everyday. "My cells die to reproduce new cells. My skin peels off to reveal new skin",my Guru Bro. Ishmeal Tetteh.

These days,being buried has become so expensive. In fact I'm told its no more 16 feet and that people are buried on top of each other. The Accra Metropolitan Assembly is running out of cemetary space.
I've made my decision, I would like to be cremated.As for my ashes, I'm still deciding if I should go with the wind or flow in some river for the fishes to feed on. lol!!!

I live life freely now. Knowing that I understand that without death I cannot live.
I embrace death in her beauty and splendour.She's beautiful, She cares. She's not cold and icy.
She only facilitates my journey to meet my maker.
And whenever she comes, however painful it may be, I will go.

Life is short,yet long...
Live,Die and Live again.


  1. This title was really striking to me because I've always had a fear of death. Like a really major fear so I was wondering what you meant by it. You make a lot of valid points. It's just crazy how you can be talking and laughing with someone and the very next day, they're out of your life forever. For me, it's less about dying physically. I'm okay with that. I just always ponder where I'm going next. That's the most important part.

  2. An accident scare sometime back totally changed my views regarding life. I realised like you, that death was one of the few constants of life. Everyone that ever lived died, so why fear it. We all gonna die anyways. My friends look at me "someway" when i joke that life is too short and that the earlier the better. We can die doesn't mean we should get scared and not live. No! Rather, we should go all out there and make what we want happen not fearing anything...afterall we all gonna die someday :P
