This blog is dedicated entirely top free my thoughts.To speaking out even if no one will hear me. To letting it all out.Letting it go. Its gonna be a mix of fiction and nonfiction . A mixture of my experiences coupled with the experiences of others to make it an ideal wholistic representation of what an average Ghanaian girl would experience in her daily life. Welcome!!!Welcome to my new beginning

Monday 18 March 2013

New Beginings

I've always wanted to express my thoughts ever since I can remember, but coming from a culture which does not allow children to speak up,I have been rendered speechless at certain critical times of my life.
There have been moments when I've felt like I  had to say something to defend myself. But then I shut up because speaking up would only make things worse.

In Ghana, children or youth who speak up are considered disrespectful. Hmm!!!
I wonder.I really do. What do our elders mean by respect.Everday, they wake up and all they can say is respect,respect,respect.Aba!!!

So, this blog is dedicated entirely top free my thoughts.To speaking out even if no one will hear me. To letting it all out.Letting it go. Its gonna be a mix of fiction and nonfiction . A mixture of my experiences coupled with the experiences of others to make it an ideal wholistic representation of what an average Ghanaian girl would experience in her daily life.

Hmmn, I feel relieved already.


Welcome to the Secret Life of a Ghanaian Girl.


  1. way to go girl... can't wait to read more.

  2. sounds like an interesting space to watch. waiting to read more :)

  3. We all need this. Don't we? Let your thoughts flow like a running nose. We'll hear you.
